I'm watching chimp national geographic on Disney+ RN, in French because IDK. Nothing else to say, I just wanna keep my streak of blogging everyday, even if it's useless and worthless info like this.
Здравствуйте, я Jalex, or Jalex5 because someone on this site stole my name. Full name is Jalexander, I draw really bad art on MSpaint, that's it.
The Guy
Why do ya wanna know 🤨
Joined on 1/2/25
Damn Osaka, you were quick to 🙂 me on this one. How do you know the exact moment I post something? I just gave birth to this post a minuet ago!
Damn, prepared with a damn smile themed song and dance and everything, in literal seconds, I know Gekkotsuki said you ain't omniscient, but like, how? how are you capable of such things!?